Rhyme Team: Embracing the Involvement of People

Elegant dining area with unique design elements by Rhyme Team.

people • designers

Rhyme is an interior design and architecture studio, established in 2019 year, that provides a well-thought-out service and individualized approach coupled with deliberate and exclusive aesthetics. It's all about the individual characteristics, mood, nuances, and original perspective that the authors put into their works.

WEBSITE: rhyme.team INSTAGRAM: @rhyme.team

Words: designeers
September 2023


The most important thing you’ve designed to date:

rhyme studio

We consider our studio the most important of all our projects, as far as the development of ourselves and our team is above all.

Our internal processes and enhancement of the team is the center of inspiration and the main source of creative energy, without which it is impossible to create the high-quality design filled with warmth and soul. 

We are dedicated to staying rooted in the origins of each project—embracing the involvement of people, meetings, our office environment, colleagues, fresh ideas, and evolving directions. We recognize that the emotional aspect, if allowed to become routine, risks depriving our projects of an essential element.


A project you are working on now?

rhyme studio

We are currently working on several interesting projects all over the world: residential and commercial, so it is difficult to single out just one of them. 

For now, we are fond of elaborating the design of the large apartments in the Moscow historical center,  in reconstructed and old buildings, in as much the process of working on such an objects includes a special search, associated with unexpected difficulties, but on the flip side there is a specific connection between old and new, that gives spaces exceptional charm. 

Moreover, we have embarked on developing a bespoke furniture collection, focusing on stainless steel as our primary material of interest. We believe that pieces crafted from this material are specifically designed for classical or historical spaces. The deliberate contrast between the stark form and texture of steel against the soft contours of inviting interiors creates a significant and powerful impact.

Cozy bedroom with wooden accents designed by Rhyme Team.
Modern living room with minimalist decor by Rhyme Team.


What constitutes great design?

rhyme studio

From our point of view, great design is beyond all questions. It is natural and easy, and it does not highlight the complex efforts of the designer. There should always be a feeling that it was elaborated in a walk, organically and almost of itself. 

We believe that great design should be intuitively perceived as if the object or space has always been that way. We mean that it shouldn’t be something precise all along, sometimes it's something artistic and accidental (intentionally accidental). Hope we managed to get the point across. 


What do you do when you’re not working?

rhyme team

No doubt about it - travel! In order to work effectively, you need to be fully-charged. Therefore, we aim to alternate between visits to old European cities and cultural hubs and take short weekend trips to natural settings or vacations by the ocean. We don't have a specific favorite destination because each place offers its own unique value, which we deeply appreciate.

Sophisticated living space with artistic decor by Rhyme Team.
Stylish and comfortable living area with modern furniture by Rhyme Team.
Elegant dining space with creative design elements by Rhyme Team.

“We believe that great design should be intuitively perceived as if the object or space has always been that way.”

rhyme team



Favourite material to work with?

rhyme team

We prefer the honest and natural materials, so the answer is pretty simple: wood, steel, stone. We love working with different types of textiles as well.  


Penthouse or townhouse?

rhyme team



On your coffee table right now:

rhyme team

Fresh flowers, laptop and sketchbook.

Modern kitchen with minimalist design by Rhyme Team.
Portrait of Rhyme Team designers, known for their individualised design approach.


Top three suppliers you go to when designing?

rhyme team

Vaselli, Christophe Delcourt, Apparatus.


What is your favourite hotel in the world?

ryhme team

Rhinoceros Roma, hotel along with gallery, the atmosphere there is really inspiring!


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