Precise and practical design with Maya Salfati

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Maya Salfati, the visionary behind her newly thriving interior design studio, brings a wealth of experience in the luxury industry and project management, honing her eye for detail, precision, and practicality. These fundamental principles serve as the cornerstone of her studio's philosophy.

With a background that spans various European cities, Maya holds an MBA from HEC Paris and has pursued studies in interior design at the University of the Arts in London, as well as delved into the history of 20th Century and Contemporary Design at Christie’s. Before founding her esteemed interior design studio, Maya honed her craft as a freelance designer, showcasing her talent and passion for the art of design.

WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: @mayasalfatidesign

Words: designeers
June 2024


Could you please give us a quick introduction? When did you first decide you wanted to become an interior designer? And when did you decide it was time to start your business? 

maya salfati

My journey into interior design is deeply rooted in a childhood surrounded by art and creativity, influenced by my father's career as an interior designer and my mother's work as an art critic. Initially pursuing a career in the luxury industry in Paris, my passion for design rekindled after relocating to London six years ago. This led me to study interior design at Chelsea College of Arts and explore the history of interior design at Christie's, complementing my earlier MBA from HEC Paris. My professional design career began at Christina Fallah Design, where I adopted a standard of excellence that I uphold in my practice today. In 2020, while working as a freelance lead designer and project manager, I was encouraged by client referrals and the successful management of several large projects to establish my own firm. 


What is your main priority when starting projects? Is there something that is fundamental to your practice – your philosophy and your process?

maya salfati

My ultimate priority when commencing any project is understanding the client's lifestyle, needs and individual identity. The foundation of practice at Maya Salfati Designs is to deliver beautiful, tailored and functional interiors through fusing exquisite design with impeccable execution. I strive to provide bespoke solutions that balance aesthetics with functionality, ensuring each resulting setting is both timeless and personal.



How do you organise and manage the competing demands of modern business and life? Do you have any tips or tricks you could share with us that help you in your day-to-day?

maya salfati

In the dynamic world of interior design, balancing professional commitments with personal life is essential. At Maya Salfati Designs, I utilise structured, strategic planning to enhance project efficiency. Each day starts with setting clear priorities, supported by digital tools for task management to stay adaptable to project needs and client changes.

Maintaining open communication with clients through regular updates ensures alignment with their vision and allows for necessary adjustments. To stay inspired and at the forefront of industry trends, I regularly devote time to creative pursuits and continuous learning, such as attending webinars and reading publications dedicated to our sector.

I focus on work-life integration, blending my passion for design with personal interests to maintain enthusiasm and creativity. This approach not only improves project outcomes but also enhances my overall well-being and job satisfaction.


What do you feel is the most challenging part of being a designer today? And if you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be?

maya salfati

The most challenging part of being a designer today is navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of client expectations and technological advancements. Clients are more informed and have higher expectations than ever before, which demands not only heightened innovation but also an adaptability to integrate new mechanisms and sustainable practices into our designs.

If I could change one thing about the industry, it would be to increase the emphasis on environmental concerns. I believe it's crucial for design practices to prioritise sustainable materials not only to protect our planet but also to promote healthier living spaces. By making sustainability a standard, not an option, we could significantly enhance the impact of our work on both individual and global scales.


“I believe it's crucial for design practices to prioritise sustainable materials not only to protect our planet but also to promote healthier living spaces.”

maya salfati



What advice would you give to emerging designers who want to follow your path? What was one of your biggest lessons learned since starting your firm?

maya salfati

For emerging designers eager to carve out a successful path in interior design, my key piece of advice is to remain open and ceaselessly educate yourself. The industry is ever-changing, so staying updated with the latest design trends, materials, and technologies is paramount, even if to reject and rebel against the current fad. Building and nurturing a strong network is also invaluable. Connecting with other professionals can provide support, stimulate imagination, and open up new opportunities.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned since starting Maya Salfati Designs is the importance of clear communication. Whether with clients, suppliers or collaborators, ensuring everyone is on the same page is crucial. Misunderstandings can lead to delays and dissatisfaction, so I've found that investing time in regular and direct dialogues helps to streamline projects and enhance client satisfaction.


What’s next – can you share with us your vision, some of your goals (and some of your current projects)?

maya salfati

At Maya Salfati Designs, the ongoing commitment to residential design continues to be the cornerstone of our work, as I deeply value creating spaces that people can call home. Looking ahead, I am also setting sights on expanding services to work with property developers, hotels, and restaurants. This diversification will allow me to apply my design philosophy to a broader spectrum of settings, each with their unique challenges and audiences.

Currently, one of my most exciting projects is a residential space in North London. The client has a vibrant lifestyle that I am bringing to life through an eclectic mix of contemporary design infused with elements of Bali, surfing culture, the music scene, and travel. This piece of work is particularly thrilling due to the need to think outside conventional frameworks and blend various cultural and personal features into a cohesive interior that reflects the owner’s passions and experiences.

As I move forward, I aim to not only expand the reach but also to continue pushing the boundaries of traditional interior design, incorporating new trends and technologies that enhance our creative capabilities and meet the evolving requirements of our clients.


What’s the best mistake you have ever made? 

maya salfati

The best mistake I ever made was underestimating the complexity of a major project early in my career. This experience was a profound learning opportunity which taught me the importance of thorough planning and the need to anticipate potential challenges. While this initially led to unexpected delays and budget overruns, it also forced me to develop a more robust approach to project management. Now, I implement comprehensive strategies that account for possible obstacles and maintain a contingency plan for unexpected issues. This mistake ultimately strengthened my skills and improved the quality of service I provide at Maya Salfati Designs.



Your top 3 main sources of inspiration and references you are drawn to regularly – i.e. books, magazines, websites/ blogs etc?

maya salfati

My top three sources of inspiration are a mix of traditional and modern media that continually fuel my vision and approach to design. ELLE Decoration is a staple for me; an interiors bible offering a diverse range of global design movements and insights that keep me connected to the evolving aesthetics in our world. Furthermore, I regularly visit the ArchDaily website, which provides a vast archive of architectural and design projects. It's invaluable for understanding space utilisation and innovative design solutions. Lastly, Pinterest serves as a dynamic and interactive tool where I can curate visual boards for inspiration, trend spotting, and project planning. This platform helps me visualise concepts and communicate ideas effectively to clients.


On your coffee table right now?

maya salfati

On my coffee table right now, you'll find a curated selection of books that not only inspire my designs but also offer a glimpse into my aesthetic preferences. 'Modernist Icons: Mid-Century Houses and Interiors' by Gestalten is a must, showcasing the timeless elegance and simplicity of mid-century design. 'Jean-Michel Frank' by Assouline delves into the luxurious and minimalist interiors by one of the most influential designers of the 20th century, whose work I deeply admire. Lastly, 'By Design' by Phaidon is a broad exploration of design concepts, featuring diverse and innovative ideas from around the world. Together, these books provide a rich source of influence and a visual feast that informs my daily work and discussions with clients. 


What are some of the top 3 suppliers you love working with?

maya salfati

I have the privilege of working with some excellent suppliers who help bring my design visions to fruition. Among them, three stand out for their exceptional products and service: SohoHome provides a wonderful range of furnishings that are perfect for creating chic and comfortable interiors, embodying a sophisticated yet laid-back style; Floor Story is my go-to for unique and high-quality rugs that add a distinctive touch to any room, enhancing the overall design with their craftsmanship and vibrant patterns; and Heal's has been an essential resource, offering everything from furniture to lighting, all characterised by their durability and stylish design.


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