Fostering Soulful Expression: E V O K E London Handcrafted Collections
people • artist
E V O K E London is a space dedicated to fostering the growth of artistic, soulful, and historic craft traditions from around the world. Collaborating with skilled artisans, they curate and create unique works that are pure, meditative, and infused with the spirit of nature.
Their collection features pieces that are beaded, embroidered, woven, cast, chiseled, inlaid, and sculpted, embodying the fluidity of creative expression. Crafted from natural materials, these works are inspired by the environments and cultural heritage of local communities. With an emphasis on touch and texture, their handmade creations evoke a deeply intuitive aesthetic.
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Words: designeers
october 2024
What inspired you to create E V O K E London and focus on preserving artistic craft forms from around the world?
sridhar poddar
My mother is from South Africa, and I’m from India. Traveling back and forth between the countries and my interest in indigenous crafts from there reminds me of the similarities between African Countries and South Asia: crafts in both regions inspired by nature and human forms. There’s something quite universal about the tribal crafts that we work with.
Can you share some of your favourite pieces currently in the gallery and what makes them special to you?
sridhar poddar
Our favourite items are the beaded chairs from Nigeria, our Bidri silver inlay vases (some of which were recently acquired by the V&A Museum). The beaded chairs are special because they’re sculptural works of art but also functional pieces of furniture. People often ask if they can sit on them and indeed they’re quite comfortable and durable. The Bidri vases are special to us because of the centuries old craft of silver hand inlay on an alloy of copper and zinc. The patina is special because of the black soil from the Fort of Bidar which gives it the inimitable deep black colour.
How do you collaborate with artisans globally to curate unique and nature-inspired works? Are there any specific collaborations that stand out?
sridhar poddar
The process is very organic, it’s a result of being curious when visiting galleries, museums and craft communities. For example, something in the V&A’s historic collection may remind me of a traditional craft in India. I would then reach out to a contemporary artist to execute this vision in their style.
Which interior designers have you partnered with, and how have they incorporated your pieces into their projects?
sridhar poddar
A lot of designers, such as Kit Kemp, discovered us as they walk past our store in Marylebone Village. Oza Design has also bought from us. The furnishing company Mark Alexander has styled our pieces for their photo shoots.
“There’s something timeless about natural materials. We’re all from the earth and go back to the earth.”
sridhar poddar
What role do natural materials play in your collection, and how do they shape the overall aesthetic of your gallery?
sridhar poddar
Most of our products are made entirely from natural materials which have been used for centuries. There’s something timeless about natural materials. We’re all from the earth and go back to the earth. Intrinsically, a lot of people are drawn to natural materials. Our store is designed with railway sleepers and stone from reclamation yards. George Nakashima spoke about the soul of a tree and immortalising wood. We’ve designed the store in this philosophy. In fact, we’ve even up-cycled teak wood for a range of wooden chairs and benches we design and sell at the gallery.
What do you hope your clients experience when they bring a piece from
E V O K E London into their space?
sridhar poddar
A lot of our clients send us images of our pieces in their home. They love the way our store is styled, including the lime wash and colour of our walls. They take back a feeling of discovery, timelessness and the handmade.
Are there any upcoming exhibitions or collaborations that you're particularly excited about?
sridhar poddar
We’re collaborating a lot with our sister brand KAASH in India. KAASH works with up-skilling artisans through residencies and workshops. The gallery is housed in a historic villa in Bangalore. The relationship between the two organisations is symbiotic — we just showcased African traditional crafts for the first time in India, and we’re planning on showcasing a lot of the crafts from KAASH in Evoke in the coming months.