Introducing Eddie Maestri: It All Begins with a Sketch

Eddie Maestri, architectural designer, in his workspace.

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Eddie Maestri is the founder of boutique architecture and interior design firm, Maestri Studio.

WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: @maestristudio

Words: designeers
September 2018


Describe what you do:

eddie maestri

I am the Principal Architect and Creative Director at Maestri.


Tell us about your latest collection and the birth of the Mantel Collection: 

eddie maestri

The mantel collection is the culmination of the idea of returning to the idea that “it all begins with a sketch." The simple idea was that by putting pen to paper, I could explore the fundamental and inspirational details of my experiences and travels. From Art Deco-inspired structures to the whimsical flow of fabrics, each mantel represents something that I love to sketch and draw.  Each one offers a glimpse into my studio’s travels and style inspirations.

Modern stone sculpture designed by Eddie Maestri.
Marble arch design by architectural designer Eddie Maestri.


Can you describe your design process, from concept to final product? 

eddie maestri

Just putting pen to paper. I sketch when I travel and try to deconstruct the elements of the style that travel provides. I work to bring each design style down to the essence of what stood out about those spaces. Then, just a lot more sketching. We turned those into full-size mock-ups and formed them out of plaster, foam, and wood in the studio. Finally, we refined them through hard-lined drawings/shop drawings.


Sources of creative desire: 

eddie maestri

Travel is my biggest source of sparking creativity. Even visiting a favorite place more than once, I always try to see it in a new way. The desire to explore, learn, and keep evolving the design approach and thinking.  

Modern architectural piece showcasing Eddie Maestri’s creativity.

“I work to bring each design style down to the essence of what stood out about those spaces. Then, just a lot more sketching.”

eddie maestri



What do you do when you're not working?

eddie maestri

I love to travel, sketch, try new restaurants, and work in the yard.  


Favourite hotel in the world:

eddie maestri

That is so hard. My favorite hotel is the one that connects me most to the destination I’m in. I love the modern seamlessness of the Pulitzer Amsterdam – nestled into the rows of Dutch buildings lining the canals, but a modern representation of European design. I love the history of the High Line Hotel in New York and the relaxed cool vibes of the Hotel Joaquin in Laguna Beach. Top: Pulitzer Amsterdam, Roma Cavalieri, High Line Hotel, NYC, Hotel Joaquin, Laguna Beach, Doce 18 Concept House, San Miguel De Allende. 

Geometric marble sculpture by Eddie Maestri.
Layered marble design highlighting Eddie Maestri’s architectural style.


Design hero:

eddie maestri

My design hero is Luigi Rosselli. I love his use of materials, blurring the lines of interior/exterior, and the influences of Italian and mid-century design. His hand sketches are an inspiration to designers who begin their own with pen and paper.   


Penthouse or townhouse:

eddie maestri

Townhouse. I need the connection to the outdoors – the private courtyards and intimate incorporation of even the smallest outdoor garden. Townhomes connect with the city, the streets, the sidewalk and the city passing it by. That urban buzz brings a townhome to life.


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