Balance and Harmony with Bani Singh of GroundedDesign

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GroundedDesign is the brainchild of Bani Singh. Born in Iran and raised in Sweden, Bani came to design through a nontraditional path. Bani designs homes that reflect the person’s personality and style, where the home becomes an extension of the person themselves. GroundedDesign is now working with discerning and appreciative clients all throughout Dubai.


Words: designeers
august 2024


Could you please give us a quick introduction? When did you first decide you wanted to become an interior designer?

bani singh

I realised I had a passion for design and architecture when I was 10 years old, during a trip to Paris with my dad. Even though we visited Disneyland, what really caught my eye was the Eiffel Tower and the fabrics at Galeries Lafayette, as well as the old buildings and how people were dressed. Ever since then, I have been intrigued by colors, textures, and architecture. 


What is your main priority when starting projects? Is there a foundational element inherent to your practice, philosophy, and approach?

bani Singh

Grounded means balanced and harmonious. For every client, our team composes the perfect balance between functionality, aesthetics, and personality to create an authentic and sophisticated design. We design homes that reflect the person’s personality and style, making the home an extension of the individual. 



How do you organise and manage the competing demands of modern business and life? Do you have any tips or tricks you could share with us that help you in your day-to-day?

bani singh

For me, this is a blend of strategic planning, effective communication, and self-care. I work with my team on a weekly basis to make sure all ongoing projects and deadlines are planned and make sure I focus myself and the team on the tasks based on their urgency and importance. Equally as important for me is delegation; I understand my strengths and delegate tasks that others in my team can handle better, fostering efficient problem-solving and creativity. And moving into self-care; setting clear boundaries between work and personal time is crucial to prevent burnout. This helps me stay refreshed and maintain a high level of productivity. I feel this is critical in maintaining energy and creativity. There will always be challenges in this area, as no two days are the same, however these simple rituals help me effectively balance the demands of modern business life and continue to deliver high-quality work. 


What do you feel is the most challenging part of being a designer today? And if you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be? 

bani Singh

Being creative requires energy. Presenting, negotiating, and collaborating all demand energy. Maintaining enthusiasm during repetitive tasks needs energy. I constantly remind myself why I am doing this and the passion I have for bringing spaces to life. I make sure to recharge my energy through travel and time with family. 


“We design homes that reflect the person’s personality and style, making the home an extension of the individual.”

bani singh



What advice would you give to emerging designers who want to follow your path? What was one of your biggest lessons learned since starting your firm?

bani singh

I believe the best way to learn and evolve is by doing. There are so many things you can’t learn from books, so you have to put yourself out there and try as many things as possible until you find what works for you. 


What’s next – can you share with us your vision and some of your goals? 

bani singh

I enjoy challenges and aspire to design various types of spaces that we haven't explored yet. 


Best design hotel in the world?

bani singh

The Treehotel in Sweden is one of my favorites, even though I am afraid of heights. A space inspired by nature and that blends seamlessly with its surroundings is very appealing to me. 



On your coffee table right now?

bani singh

My coffee table is a blend of inspiration and relaxation. You'll find a mix of design books, showcasing both classic and contemporary works, which I often refer to for inspiration. There are also a few candles, adding a touch of ambiance and calm to my space.


What are the top 3 suppliers you love working with?

bani singh

There are many excellent suppliers out there, but I have a particular fondness for small family businesses with compelling stories behind them, like Taf House, textured paint artist Roberto, and Dusty Deco. 


Design inspiration hero?

bani singh

I must say Zaha Hadid was not only brilliant but also paved the way for women to make their mark in architecture. 


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