Inspiration with Johanne Birkeland of Jossolini

people • makers

Johanne is an Oslo based potter that uses traditional pottery techniques to make  ceramic lamp bases.


Words: designeers
july 2024


How would you describe your style?  

johanne birkeland

I make large pieces that challenge the strength of the material and the  balance of the form. I decorate my pieces with “skins” and explore how different patterns can  affect how one experiences the shape.


The most important object you have designed so far:

johanne birkeland

A tiny lumpy lamp   with black dots I made just after I graduated. It was featured in  Norway’s most important interior magazine. It wasn’t my best piece, but  I still look at pictures of it for inspiration. Sometimes I feel that my  creativity was purer when I was younger and less experienced. My only  focus was to explore the material and have fun with it.



Sources of creative desire: 

johanne birkeland

The clay itself. Clay is a soft and organic  material, and its natural movement can create amazing shapes. I have  come up with some of my best designs by letting the clay do as it wants,  and to control its movement only slightly. I strive to find the perfect  meeting point between clay as a dependent material and me as a  craftsman. 


What do you do when you're not in the studio?  

johanne birkeland

I’m always at the  studio. You don’t have hobbies when you do what I do!


“I have  come up with some of my best designs by letting the clay do as it wants,  and to control its movement only slightly.”

johanne birkeland



Penthouse or townhouse:

johanne birkeland

Penthouse. I am more of a townhouse girl, but  after living as a poor artist for so long, I have this secret dream of  living in an enormous and posh penthouse flat, and to drink San  Pellegrino from a wine glass every morning.


On your coffee table right now:  

johanne birkeland

I consume books, and my tiny apartment  is overflowing with them. When I travel, I spend my whole budget on  books from the museum shops. But my favorite right now is a beautiful  
book about Pierre Bonnard. He is one of my favorite artists, and a great  inspiration for colors.


Favourite hotel in the world? 

johanne birkeland

When I was a student I visited this crazy  hotel in California, Madonna Inn. I like it when a place gives you an  unexpected experience rather than just aesthetic pleasure. I remember we  slept in a blue, circular room in an enormous roundly shaped bed. I will  never forget that room. 



Design hero:

johanne birkeland

I think, within ceramic arts and design, that Lucie Rie still holds the throne, but among the living, I really admire the works of Leah Kaplan.


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